2013/8/1 16:14:04

5.锅炉炉拱改造,可获得百分之十左右的节能效果,技改投资半年左右可收回。 有不少锅炉不能燃用设计煤种,导致燃烧状况不佳,直接影响锅炉的热效率,甚至影响锅炉出力。按照实际使用的煤种,适当改变炉拱的形状与位置,可以改善燃烧状况,提高燃烧效率。
7.锅炉给煤装置的改造,现在的的斗式给煤装置,使得块状、末煤混合堆实在炉排上,阻碍锅炉进风,影响燃烧。如果将斗式给煤改造成分层给煤,用重力筛选将原煤中块、末自下而上松散地分布在炉排上,有利于进风,改善了燃烧状况 ,提高煤的燃烧率,减少灰渣含碳量,可获得5%—20%的节煤率。

   Adoption of cleaner fuels and clean combustion technology of high efficiency, energy saving, low pollution, industrial boiler will be the trend of the development of the product, on the manufacturing technology of energy-saving reform apart from boiler itself changes, also should to modify existing high energy-saving boiler consumption.
  1. The boiler control system transformation, the manual into a fully automatic or semi-automatic boiler, can improve the combustion efficiency of about ten percent; In view of the heating boiler, according to the actual temperature situation adjust the power output of boiler, can save about twenty percent energy. This method can also be on fuel oil boiler, gas boiler.
   2. Is to use the new replaces the old boiler, including using new type energy-saving boiler replaces the old type, with a big boiler to replace small boiler, and realize the cogeneration, can significantly improve the energy efficiency of the boiler.
   3. Layer combustion boiler into a circulating fluidized bed boiler, this change has quite a few successful cases, but its transformation investment is higher, about seventy percent of the new furnace charge.
   4. The operation parameters of the fan, is directly related to the thermal efficiency of boiler and energy consumption with the proper control of motor speed technology, according to the boiler load need to adjust the air volume, maintain the boiler run in the best condition, on the one hand can save coal boiler, and can save power consumption of the fan, energy-saving effect is very good.
   5. Boiler furnace arch, some ten percent of the energy saving effect can be obtained, the technical transformation investment can take about half a year. Many design boiler can burn coal, leading to poor combustion conditions, directly affect the thermal efficiency of boiler, and even affect the boiler output. According to the actual use of coal, the appropriate change shape and the location of the furnace arch, which can improve combustion status, increase the combustion efficiency.
    6. The boiler combustion system transformation, from pulverized coal furnace appropriate location before injection into the right amount to the appropriate location, furnace based on combustion grate layer, add the right amount of suspension burning, can energy saving ten percent.
    7. Boiler coal feeder, now of the bucket of coal feeder, mixing pile is made at the end of the block, coal grate, hinder the boiler into the wind, influence the combustion. If the bucket to converted into layered coal to coal, the raw coal with gravity filter at the end of the block, bottom-up loosely distributed on the grate, into the wind, improve combustion status, increase the rate of the burning of coal, to reduce ash carbon content, 5% - 20% of coal saving rate can be obtained.
